
At this age bedwetting is a common issue. However, understanding the possible causes can help reassure both you and your child.


Missed signals

While we’re asleep, the bladder sends signals to the brain to indicate it’s full. This is how we know to “hold on” and wake up to use the toilet. Some children haven’t formed this connection yet, resulting in the brain not responding to these signals. It’s common for children to wet the bed at this age and they will likely become dry in their own time.


Constipation is a recognised trigger for bedwetting episodes in some children. This is because the constipated bowel literally “leans” on the bladder and causes the bladder to empty before it is full. In this instance, it’s important to sort out the constipation first, as this will most likely also resolve the bedwetting.

Urine Infection

In some cases, a urine infection can cause bedwetting. So if having a wee is causing your child pain, or if they are passing urine much more frequently than usual, talk to your doctor.

No one’s to blame

Any one of these reasons could explain why your child is wetting the bed, and it’s important to remember that it's nobody's fault. And while bedwetting is something that’s out of your child's control, remember that with your support and encouragement, dry nights will not be far away.