Bedwetting solutions for girls

Here are a few ideas and solutions for girls to help you through the bedwetting stage.



  • Keep DryNites® Pyjama Pants in an easy to access place, such as your daughter’s underwear drawer

  • Make putting on her DryNites® Pyjama Pants a normal part of the bedtime routine along with brushing teeth and a bedtime story

  • Have a special bin or plastic bag for used pants the next morning

  • Stock up on DryNites® Pyjama Pants so you don’t run out and are always prepared

  • Install a low-wattage night light or lamp, or use a hands-free headlamp

  • Some children feel guilty for making extra work for you. Let her know that the ‘work’ is easy and just part of being a parent. Many kids pick up on parents’ emotions, so try to stay positive and not show frustration.


Before your daughter leaves for a sleepover or a visit to her grandparents, give her some tips, such as not drinking immediately before going to bed, going for one last wee before bed, and choosing the bottom bed of a bunk – which will make it easier for her to go to the bathroom if she wakes up at night.

  • Pack spare pyjamas just in case

  • Put her DryNites® Pyjama Pants inside her sleeping bag – sleeping bags are normally roomy enough to discreetly get changed in.

  • A night light or torch will help her confidently get to the bathroom without tripping or getting frightened by the dark

  • DryNites® Pyjama Pants are very useful to keep your daughter confident and comfortable overnight. Practicing how to put the pants on and off at home beforehand will make sure he knows how to do it.

  • Inform your host where she’s staying at about her needs, and let them know how they can help. Let your child know that it’s perfectly normal to ask for help if she needs it.